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eyes swollen

19 16:24:34

My bulldog junior is more mopey than usual.  He didn't even lift his head when i came in.  The bottom of his eyelids are swelling.  he doesn't seem to have a fever.  We gave him an aspirin. do you have any suggestions

Could be an allergic reaction to something. It's hard to determine without seeing the dog.  Aspirin won't help. Benadryl might.  You can give him one in the morning and one at night.  They will make him sleepy, but if the redness and swelling goes away, you'll know it's some type of allergen.

If it doesn't go away, perhaps he's getting cherry eye. Swelling eyelids makes me think this might be what's going on.  Does it look like a small bubble in the corner of his eye? If so, cherry eye it is and he needs to go to the vet asap.  This wouldn't make him mopey though.

Maybe he just needs a trip to the vet to be checked out if he's not feeling better in a day or so.