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4 month old bully eyes

19 16:24:29

I have a 4 month old female whose eyes get very red at times. Is this normal? I keep seeing things about "cherry eye" but from the descriptions, it doesn't sound like this is the problem. Do they just sometimes need drops in the eyes for moisture like people?

Cherry eye is very obvious. It looks like a bubble right in the corner of the eye closest to the nose. Sometimes they will pop out and go back on their own. Most often they need to be surgically removed.

If you're not seeing a red bubble, then it's not cherry eye. It could be an allergy to one of a hundred different things.
Try some Vizine and see if it helps. It won't hurt him at all.

You could also give her a Benadryl and see if the redness goes away. This will make her sleep though so best given at night.
If this works, the next step is to figure out what she's allergic too. Probably a carpet cleaner, or lawn fertilizer, or something similar.