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Our English Bulldoog is wetting her bed on purpose.

19 16:22:10

We have an English Bulldog that we have had since she was a puppy.  Her name is Alley.  We know her very well and Alley is great about letting us know when she has to go out to use the bathroom.  She sleeps in the laundry room and has for years and when she needs to use the bathroom she scratches at the door and then begins to bark louder and louder until I come to let her out.  She then goes to the grass, does her business, and comes right back into the laundry room and goes back to sleep. She has slept on the hard vinyl floor and we know that could not be good for her hips, so we have tried buying her dog beds. She never really used the dog beds.  Well, Recently we tried the dog bed thing again and this time she loves it.  The problem is she now urinates on it......on purpose.
Why is she doing this and how do we get her to stop?

I've never had a female Bulldog who wouldn't pee on anything used for bedding, ever. It's some type of territorial marking behavior. All of mine sleep in bare crates.  Even if I put a blanket or towel in there, they will pee on it everytime even after long stretches of time.

When she gets older and uncomfortable, she will seek out more comfortable place to lie down, on a rug perhaps. Until them, just let her carry on.