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new puppy

19 16:26:12

Hi Marjorie :)  I am bringing home an 8 week old french bulldog
on Saturday.  I have never had a dog before so, I am concerned
about the best method of housebreaking it.  Should I crate train
the dog?  I can also confine it to the kitchen area when I am not
giving it direct attention and then take it out often since I won't
be working for the next month.  Is this a better method than
crate training?  I am just generally concerned on how to
housebreak this breed effectively.  Any help or info. you could
provide would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much!  
Sincerely, Sharon

Your training plan is a good one. Frenchies aren't the easiest dogs to house train, but they're not stupid either. I recommend crate training for all dogs.

However, I wouldn't expect complete success even under the best of circumstances until the dog is at least 3-4 months of age.

Let the puppy work into your routine, not the other way around. Try to keep the same schedule while you're home as you would when you'll be working, wake up, play time, etc.

Persistence and patience is the key.  Good luck.