Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > my baby has pneomonia

my baby has pneomonia

19 16:16:36

QUESTION: My nine week old baby went to the vet on monday he was not acting right, he is always under my feet while writing out bills i did not see him i went to my living room and there he stood not moving, ipicked him up took him outside and still just stood there. I called the vet right of way, he took an x-ray and said he has pnemonia, i dont understand my baby was eating that day just an hour before and playing non stop. They have had him for three days now and when i call they say no change! Is this right should he be responding they say he is not eating could this be because he wants his food that i feed him, i just dont know what to do i want to go get him and bring him home and take care of him, i am sick of "no change" no for three days and i call six or seven times a day! What should i do and is this normal? Do you think he could  come home? please help me i am worried and miss my baby very much.I feed him purina puppy chow which is what he was on with the breeder. They also say they have him on oxygen and fluids shouldnt there be a change already?

ANSWER: Oh Dawn, I am so sorry!  Call and ask if they checked this baby for parvo?  Also, ask if he is getting I.V. fluids daily.  If so, he can't come home yet.  Sometimes it takes 48 hrs for the antibiotics to kick in.  Ask if he is getting I.V. antibiotics..
Let me know what they say?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just got back from my visit with my baby and oh my he is bad, poor little guy cant breathe! They said no chance on parvo because he has no diarreha and they said he would be pooping blood and that is not the case. He is on fluids daily through iv  and on injectable antibiotics.  the little guyi noticed today has terrible mucas booger looking stuff coming out of his eyes.  I just dont understand it at all. He is not coughing or sneezing just breathing terrible and has no energy although they said he has not been getting up at all and he got up and walked to me.  i wanted to leave his food and they said no he is on AD which i guess is a hospital food? i just dont know what to do and the vet he is at is a Bulldog vet!

Hi again, Well, it sounds like the vet is doing a good job!
Let them get him back on his little feet!  He needs the I.V. and the antibiotics from the vet.  Not much you can do except pray that he gets better.  YOU have put him in good hands!
Make sure the breeder knows how sick this little one is...
He should have stayed with his mom until at least 8 weeks old.
That way he would be strong and healthy.

I wish that I could do more for you...
I will keep you in my prayers!

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse