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night barker

19 16:20:30

My boyfriend and I have had a 1 1/2 year old english bulldog for a month now.. he is well behaved during the day, but at night time he starts barking whenever we lay down to watch tv. he is allowed on the bed but arounnd the same time every night he keeps barking and biting at our hands. what can we do to stop this?

Hi Caitie:  Well, as you can see this guy wants to be the center of your attention.  Here are a few ideas:

First off:
Don't let him bite your hands.... When he does this say " NO" very loud and act " hurt".... ( he won't want to Hurt you)

Next, Give him some good One on One attention for about 20 minutes each night.  ( before you start watching TV)
It could be a walk down the block or even a game of fetch.
Also, some good tummy rubs and petting.

This should help a bunch.  He will feel better and should allow you to have your TV time.  This little EBD is board and needs more activity.

You need to let him know that YOU are top dog and not him.

My friend wrote a great book you may want to buy from Amazon . com
Here is the Link:
It is called : The Human Pack

Anyway, I hope my suggestions help.  They are easy to do...just takes a little x-tra time each night.
BEST of luck!!

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