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4 month old Dachshund will not use it outside

19 16:24:25

Ok, so i just got this 12-14 week old Miniture Dachshund and she will not use the bathroom outside. I spend all day with her i take her outside every hour or so for at leat 30 minutes and she will come right in and potty, she has gone a few times outside and i praise her for it, but mostly she uses it in her crate all i have is paper in her crate and sometimes she will still use it when there is nuthing in it, my boyfriend says if i don't potty train her he will find her aa home b/c he doesn't want a dog that uses it in the house, so will you please help me?

First of all, Dachshund's are notoriously difficult to house train.

Secondarily, she's just a baby and you're expecting too much of her at this age. This training should have started 2 months ago.

Try using the pee pads you can get at the pet store and see if she'll use them in the house. This is what most people with toy dogs use because just about all of them hate going outside.

You're looking at at least another 2 or 3 months of training at the very least.