Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > what dose the male get in return?

what dose the male get in return?

19 16:20:31

QUESTION: I have a 2 1/2 year old mini English bully & I just found a mini male for her.I want to know what do I give the male's owner in return for getting my dog pregnant?
He had said that passably he would want a puppy, or the price of a puppy- but yet, he only provided the sperm, he didn't pay  or help with anything?

ANSWER: Hi Tieanna:  Well, most of the time they want the " Pick of the Litter" ( one pup they get to choose before anyone else).
The other option is a stud fee of 200.00 to 400.00.
Depends if he is a AKC show dog quality with registered papers.
If he doens't have papers, then it would be around the 200.00 mark for a stud fee.  

You can go over to Breeding and Welping Experts read some of the Q & A on this subject.

Thanks for your question!

Good Luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your answer. I have another to ask you. we are introducing the 2 this evening & i was wondering- is it normal for me to bring her to him or for him to come to her? I know that they have a dominate thing & I was just wondering if this will also make a difference if I decide to breed them?

Hi:  Most of the time the male will visit the female and stay at her home when they are trying to mate.
Sometimes it can take a few "ties" for them to get pregnant.
See if the owner will allow him to stay with you the time she is in " season" or in heat.

Good luck and Have FUN!!!
