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Foul Smell and Itchy Skin Problems

19 16:11:04

We adopted an American Bulldog about 5 months ago who is in terrible condition. He bites and scratches himself 24 hours a day constantly which makes sores on his paws. Has a foul smell odor which is extremely bad that the family cannot stand the smell. We do not like to have company in the house because of the stinky smell. We took him to a vet who diagnosed him with allergies. He has been getting injection shots for 2-3 months and the problem has gotten worse. The vet says it will take time. We have never known a dog in this bad of condition. The vet gave him a prescription of pills which helps temporarily, but as soon as the prescription is gone, he begins itching and scratching again. It is only a temporary fix because the pills have steroids and the vet says he cannot continue to take the pills longterm because it can lead to other health problems. Nothing helps at all with the smell/odor. We believe there are two problems going on with our dog:  the itching/allergies and the smell. Are they related?  The vet says once the allergies get better, the smell will get better. We do not believe this...a dog should not smell this bad, its unbelievable! We have spent over $800 in a short time having tests ran and all we get is allergies.  We have thought about a second opinion with another vet, but then they will want to run their own tests...this is too expensive to do. Its easy to get rid of a dog, but he is such a good dog, we want to help him. We have tried the over the counter Benadryl and Claritin...again... "doesn't work". We also tried Dinovite from another website after extensive research, but like I have stated...nothing helps our dog. We have tried lotions and cortizones for his bites, redness, scaly skin and this has not worked for us at all. We are skeptical to keep buying products from different websites because its costly and we see no results. With all the advance medicine, we find it hard to believe there is no cure for our dog. HELP, we do not know what to do next?

Wow! Have you tried a probiotic yet?  ( I am sure this baby is Full of Yeast!!!)  - Smelly...
A good Probiotic is one that has at least 2-3 billion CFUs of Acidophalus in the ingredients.
The Probiotic Pearls are very good and found at Walgreens or CVS.  ( This is for humans but dogs and cats can take it , too)
So, that is my first Idea for your poor smelly and itchy dog....  A good Probiotic for at least 90 days or more.

Also, see my itchy dog kit .....( NuVET supplement with Tea Tree oil shampoo and Spray )
All very low cost and Works great on 98% of my clients.
SEE here:
Itchy Bulldog kit

Give this all a try - All Natural and VERY safe.

Remember - it does take alittle time for NATURAL supplements to kick-in.
Give it at least 45 days to see great results...

Marie Peppers
MY bulldog site: