Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Tail docking english bulldog; pet nurse marie bulldog expert;

Tail docking english bulldog; pet nurse marie bulldog expert;

19 16:17:52

Can you RE-Dock a english bulldogs tail? When we got our bulldog we knew his tail wasn't docked right. It kind of cork screwed around his butt which wasn't a problem to us right away atleast. Then he and his tail grew, EVERYTIME he poops now it gets stuck on and under his tail. I whipe everytime he comes in but the stink is unbearable sometimes from it. I'm worried about infection and such from the area. It smells ALL the time. Just wondering if you could REDOCK it to make it smaller or have surgery to make it smaller because it's really a health issue. He is 9 months old BTW.

Hi Andrew - I understand your concern about the cork screw tail.  They try NOT to cut the tail on an English bulldog.  The main reason is because it can damage the anal muscles and nerves.  In turn, making the poop situation even worse.  Some dogs have loose poops forever after having a tail removed or cut.

How about we try the following -

First, make sure your boy is on a good food that is quality...
Wellness, Innova, Merrick, Solid Gold -
( all sold at the local pet store)

Next - add 1 metamucil cookie to his diet each day - Metamucil makes a fiber cookie that is apple flavored - JUST 1 per day will give him the fiber he needs to have solid and Clean poops.
If does look like a flat cookie and tastes is Good!

Lets clean his area ( anal area ) with a baby wipe at least 1 x per day - Make sure it is the Unscented baby wipes for humans.  
If the area smells a bunch use some Dog / Puppy shampoo - JUST a dab on the baby wipe..

Also - Too KEEP infection away -
 *** Use some NuVET Plus - This is a Skin healer and Immune System Blaster / Wonderful and one of the BEST bullie vitamins in the USA.
order here: see my bullie dogs at this site:

Good luck with all !!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse