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How to tell when a Bulldog is in heat?

19 16:07:59

I have a 1yr old female how do I tell when she is coming into heat. She has no blood and her vulva doesn't appear swollen. She has began to hump everyone when given the chance so I was wondering if this is a sigh she may be coming in. We are going to breed her. She was in her first heat at 10 months.

Hi Jane, I would guess that she is not in season as of yet.  
You mentioned that she is 1 year of age and had her 1st heat at 10 months?

The normal heat cycle last 3 weeks from the first day you notice bleeding.
For most dogs, it occurs every 6 months, but this is variable.  
Some dogs only come in season once a year, others every 8 or 10 months.

Make sure you do talk to your Vet about the genetic blood testing.
It's good idea to have the blood testing done and certificates handy for puppy owners.

Best wishes...

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