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Bulldog anxiety in crate; Valerian canine dosage;

19 16:07:59

QUESTION: Hello! I adopted a 3 year old male English Bulldog and have had him for about four months. I read the post about bulldogs peeing in crate and that was a big help! My dog is a lot like theirs so it was nice to read. The reason we put a blanket in his crate in the first place was because he was scratching so much that we read that the fix was to put something in the crate for the dog to "gather" and lay on. So, I feel we have fixed one problem and went back to another - peeing in the crate. He is just very loud in his crate when he is scratching that I don't know what to do! Please help.

ANSWER: Hi Morgan,  So he stopped having accidents in the crate for how long?  Can you give me more info on how often he does this?  
Also, when is he in the crate?  Night - Day

Just provide me with a little more info

Thanks so much

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: For the first couple months, no accidents in his crate. He is in there during the day while I'm at work. And then he sleeps in there. At night, he would scratch and scratch. There is a piece of carpet in there so he has something nice to lay on. He won't lay on a dog pillow and will carry it around and try to tear it apart. So I went online to see why he was scratching and the site said to lay blankets in there. That's when the peeing started. Since reading the previous post, I have removed the blankets and he hasn't peed during the day, but he scratched last night.

ANSWER: Hi, Sorry for the Delay.

Is he neutered?
That may be why he is marking?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, he is neutered. He's not marking now that the blankets are out of his kennel but my question is regarding the scratching. Can you address that please?

OCD - obsessive compulsive behavior ?  
The Scratching the crate may be to relieve stress?  *( stress of being in a crate)
You can try some Valerian 1 hr before bed.  This is all Natural -
WORKS great with most dogs
It may help to calm the anxiety and less or stop the stratching.
See here - bottom of page - Excellent Valerian product
Just give 1 before bed

I hope this helps.
Please also consider a good Holistic vitamin/ supplement:
Most of my bulldog clients take NuVet Plus Wafers
See here:

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse