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Potty training bulldog puppy

19 16:18:38

Hi i have a 5 month old bulldog puppy. He is the typical stubborn bulldog
type. He sleeps in his plastic bed and is quite good with a mat. He poos in
the morning when my husband takes him out after his breakfast. Then i am
at home regularly so he does wait for me most times to go for a wee, or may
bark for a poo sometimes. But he still poos in the house not on the mat if i
leave him to rome the kitchen area. if he is enclosed in the entrance area
where his water and bed is he will do his necessities on the training mat. how
long does it take to train a bulldog, he does well for 2 days and gets treats,
but will mess up again for a couple of days. Why?


Sound like you just need to do some intensive training for a couple of days.  

At 5 months old, your bulldog should be house trained.  Some how he has learned that it is OK to go in the house.  The fact that he only does it in certain areas and times, shows that he has learned that it is OK.

You need to really focus on these areas and times.  Since you know when it is a problem you know what to focus on.

Whenever he is in the kitchen, keep an eye on him 100% of the time.  Whenever you see him starting to go, tell him NO-NO and take him to the place you want him to go.  Don't ever let him roam the kitchen when you are not watching him.  If you can't keep an eye on him, put in hin the entrance area.

Don't let him mess up once.  Every time he is 'allowed' to go in the wrong place, he is learning the wrong place to go.

I think with a few days of intensive training you should be able to re-train him!!!

Christine Puetz