Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Entropion opperation on my british bulldog

Entropion opperation on my british bulldog

19 16:08:11

hi I'm just wondering what a bulldog eye is meant to look like after an entropion operation because it's been 2 days now the swelling has gone down a little but still some there. it's just that it looks like they took too much out. I've looked on the net for pics on the stages of the recovery on an British bulldog but there's not much out there could u help me with any info n pics

I understand your concern for your bullie kid.  Here is a good site with daily updates on her dog... Fairly good photos... It takes time.
Call you VET if you feel there is too much swelling or excessive discharge:
SEE here :
HOPE this helps