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My bulldog Tuffy Needs Help

19 16:23:34

1st off i just love this breed but have some non serious questions. do the majority of bulldogs tongue hang out when they are sleeping? how come it does?  why does my tuff follow me everywhere he wont even eat if i dont stay out with him. he eats when im not here.  how come he wont stop chewing on my female pitbull ears..its constant. do bulldogs have some kind of wierd obsession diorder? if he see a ball or any object he likes that is it. he sont stop obsessing for it no matter what else it going on.( unless it s  food.)  how often should you bathe them and how do you or what do you use to clean that brown leaky stuff under there eyes/ thank  you so much

Most Bulldogs will stick their tongue out when sleeping because they are relaxed. They have no muzzle length but a normal length tongue. So, it has to go somewhere.

It sounds like your dog needs socialization. Take him to an obedience class just so he can meet new people and new dogs. He's developing behavioral issues associated with separation anxiety.

I don't bathe mine at all unless they get into something really stinky or muddy. I just use baby wipes to clean around their eyes and wrinkles.