Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Shaking


19 16:24:53

Can you tell me what type of seizure you think this is?  Are bulldogs prone to this type of seizure?  Thank you.

Followup To

Question -
Our bulldog sleeps with us on the bed.  This morning we woke up to him shaking his head almost uncontrollably.  This continued for about 10 or 15 minutes.  Should I be worried?  At first I thought he was cold, so we shut the air conditioner, but it continued.  Finally, it subsided, but I'm worried.  Should I have this checked by a vet?  He seems fine now.

Answer -
This is a type of seizure. If this is the first one he's had, I would document the day, time, situation i.e. sleeping in bed or whatever he was doing when it occurred.  I wouldn't take him to the vet just yet as this type of seizure is usually inconsistent.  He may go 6 months before he has another.

If they become more frequent, like more than once a month, then it's time to go to the vet for some testing.

I"m sorry, I cannot diagnose the type of seizure. I can tell you that years ago I had a Doberman who exhibited the same exact behavior you're talking about. It happened every time I wormed her. She was allergic to one ingredient in the wormer and that's what caused the seizure. No wormer, no seizure.

Keep track of what your dogs has eaten when this occurs and if he may have had a vaccination or anything you can recall about his day. It will be very helpful if you end up seeking veterinary care.