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british bulldog being nasty in moring

19 16:16:13

my bbd is at a guess 4 yrs old,we got him off a family member tbh think he was a bit mistreat,hes lovely in the day good as gold,in the moring when i get up hes a nightmare he barks n can come across as being aggressive hes caught my arm a few times,ive got to the stage that in the morings im afraid of him,he keeps not biting me but when i walk past him nipping me,and when i try to go upstairs to wake kids/hubby up etc he goes mad its a battle n half im at my wits end n tbh ave thought abt parting with him but i love him to bits n there must be a answer some were as to what i can do any advise would be so helpful


I know you will not like my answer, but it not worth the risk of having a dog, especially a bulldog, in your home that bites.  And again, especially since you have children in your home.

Bulldogs have very strong jaws.  It can be very dangerous to have a bulldog that bites.  And behavior like this usually gets worse and not better.

Unless you find someone that could work with him, and not have a risk of children getting bit, you may have to put him down.

I hate to give you this news, but I do not want you, your husband or children, or guests to be hurt.

Christine Puetz