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Baby is barking at her mummy.

19 16:15:49

Hello again Maria, its Tony Fay and baby Lucy.
Since our last question regarding food and crate trainging our puppy has picked up the routine very well. She held her potty last night from 11 pm through to 05:30 this morning. She is still crying in her crate but I think this is because we are keeping her in the kitchen alone when she sleeps.
I was told that music is a good remedy for them to help them sleep and it seems to work a little better than silence as she sleeps a little better with the radio on.
The reason I am writing to you again though is because my wife has never had dogs before, she is a cat person. She is concerned that Lucy is barking at her and trying to bite her when she is out and not getting her full and undivided attention. Is this due to her being isolated at bed time and just getting excited when she see's her mummy or is it an obedience issue? I also encountered a little barking this morning when I was eating my breakfast but again I think this was due to excitement.
Also she is teething very heavily now so I guess she will outgrow the constant chewing of things? She has a nice rubber bone and a squeeky toy which she loves to chew so I hope she will outgrow the chewing of the house.

Sorry for the ramble, I'm just a very excited daddy.

Thanks again.

Tony, Fay and baby Lucy.

Hi Baby Bullie Lucy and Family!  The barking is just her communication.  As for the bites, than is not something you want to continue ...Play bites:
You will need to teach this gal bite inhibition.
Here is a link to training for bite inhibition.

Bite Inhibition -- an Essential Part of Socialization

Teaching not to bite; play bites...

Good luck all!
My bullies -