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bulldogs--any problems?

19 16:26:43

My husband really wants a bulldog.  I am very hesitant, more of a small poodle person.  Before we take on the responsibility of a pet, could you tell me more about the problems that bulldogs have?  Do they shed a lot, slobber, pass gas, have bad temperaments, or have any health problems that will cost us a lot of money?  How much should we expect to pay for a bulldog? I would really appreciate some insight. Thanks!

Bulldogs have health issues.  The important thing is to locate a consciencious breeder who will provide veterinary references and references from clients who own their dogs. It is also imperative to get a health guarantee in writing. Bulldog's most common health issue is their eyes. Those conditions are easily corrected with surgery and not expensive. If you get into soft pallet or joint problems, then you're talking serious money.

You should expect to pay at least $1500 for a Bulldog. If you find one for less, that means you'll pay on the other end with many or all of the problems mentioned previously.

Bulldogs have a wonderful disposition. I've never met one that wasn't anything but loving and kind. However, they shed, but not in excess. They don't drool but tend to carry their water with them and they will only be odiferous if fed canned or "people" food. If you stick to a dry diet, the gas is minimal.

Otherwise, you could have well been asking questions about my ex-husband!