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skin care.

19 16:26:02

Can you advise good skin care for my bulldog, she stinks, I bath her but she still stinks.  How do I care for her nose lap also.
Does this breed have skin problems?
How can I eliminate this.

Hi Pamela

What I did for brita my bulldog, now deceased, I got alot of Generic baby wipes at Wal Marts.  I would clean her with these, I took cotton balls dipped in perxoide to do the deep lap over the nose.  Then wipe with a baby wipe and dry.  Keeping that dry is highly important.  Then if it looked sore I used from the Dollar Store of any over the counter an antibiotic ointment rubbed into the lap.  Do it every day for a week until it starts to heal and not smell.  It is for lack of air.
I cleaned her belly same way, get a warm cloth wet with water and clean the pet.  Then use a baby wipe to go over her again on belly and under arms.  Do NOT bath as this only makes it worse, they need the natural oils built up on their own.
Just keeping them cleaned off daily.....tne minutes to do......will start to eliminate the smell. U could also sprinkle with baby powder to give a nice smell.  Use only the ointment on nose lap every other day as u do not want to keep it wet or moist all the time, once healed just clean with warm  water, the baby wipe u can carefully put powder on it to dry.  Keeping them clean, dry and some doggie cologne will not hurt now and then.
Mine did not smell once I got into a routine of this.
I also cleaned between her toes, wipe the eyes, ears, they cannot clean themselve for lack of a neck to turn around much.

Kind Regards