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Stinky face

19 16:21:29

Hi Marjorie,
Our 8.5 mos old female EBD Maddie, had her first grooming last week and the groomer said she had a pink like rash in the folds on her face from her eyes down her cheeks. She showed me and the area and it was wet and pinkish and it gives off a bit of a stink. She told me to use cotton balls to dry it and use "Seabreeze" which is an astringent. Is this sound advice? What should we do to care for it? Thanks for your help!

Seabreeze will burn the dog. If you're not noticing a "stink" then I would continue with whatever grooming you're doing and not be concerned with this. If you feel you must do more, simply clean the wrinkles with baby wipes once a week or more if needed and put a light coat of petroleum jelly in the folds to keep out the moisture. Over cleaning will only irritate the dog.