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Eye lids

19 16:21:18


My 10 week old English Bulldog puppy has a red litte bump on each eyelid,its weird cause its on the exact same spot on both eyelids, one bump is a bit bigger than the other,I also felt these other bumps on his body one under the arm and two under is neck they seem to be part of the skin but I want to make sure.


ANSWER: It sounds like he has cherry eye in both eyes. Off to the vet we go and have those other bumps evaluated at the same time. The cherry eye has to be repaired sooner rather than later. The longer they are exposed, the less chance the simple surgery will work.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I went to the vet and its not cherry eye the vet also said that it is never on the eyelids, You should not say it might be cherry eye when your not even sure what it is.Sorry but you scared me,i though i was going to have to live on the streets with the price of the surgery.  

I said it "sounds like" cherry eye from your description. I sent you to the vet for an evaluation. Don't blame me for telling you to do the right thing. I wasn't sure what it was. All I know is what you told me. Next time, skip me altogether and go directly to your vet.