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English Bulldog in First Heat

19 16:23:43

My english bulldog is 6 months old and I think she's starting to go into heat. She's been a little irritable the past few days, this morning while we were on the couch together she jumped up on my shoulders (which she never, ever does), the male dogs at the park were much more interested in her than they usually are, and she just can't quite seem to get comfortable. This is my first female dog so I have no idea what to expect. She was supposed to be spayed a few weeks ago but she just got over an upper respiratory infection so the vet wanted to hold off for another three weeks or so before he puts her under anesthesia. My main concern is how to prevent her from bleeding all over the place. Do places like Petco or PetSmart sell anything like doggy diapers that she can wear? As you can tell, I'm totally clueless about this since I wasn't prepared to deal with a dog in heat. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.  

Yes, Petco should have the apparel for her so you don't have blood everywhere.  However, you must be extremely careful of her with other dogs.  She will potentially fight with females and obviously get bred by a male if the situation arises. This will last about 3 weeks. Even if you stop seeing blood doesn't mean she's out of heat. Count 3 weeks from the first day you notice any sign of blood at all.  First heats are very intense with some females.

Then, get her to the vet asap for spaying.  Good luck.