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Chicken Bone/T Bonz Doggie Treat

19 16:23:10

I got her on purina puppy chow shes 16 weeks right now but i forgot to mention since sunday she has had soft stool and that sunday she had a small splash of very red what appeared to be blood im not sure it was very bright she just took a poop right now but its just really soft i dont see any red freaking out
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I gave my bullie puppy a cooked drumstick i wasnt aware of how dangerous it was for them till after.That was about 9 days ago and she didn't show any sigs of discomfort she had regular bowel movements and was as playful as ever.But just this weekend i got her some doggie treat those Purina T Bonz its shaped like a steak and it has red dye food coloring and a day or two after I gave her that she had bright red spots in her stool but it didn't seem like blood it was way too bright and it wasnt that much and she also has soft stool now.Do you think Red Food Dye can come out in their stool like that or should I get her checked out.
What you're seeing probably has nothing to do with red dye at all. She may have just eaten something on the floor.

However, I do want to caution you about feeding a puppy bones of any kind, particularly chicken or turkey. The bones splinter and can pierce the intestines and cause death.

I would just get her  quality dog biscuits for a treat and feed her quality puppy food and leave the rest out.

Calm down. Make an appointment to get her into your vet as soon as you can and take a poop sample with you for them to check out. The symptoms you describe can be a number of things from a bacterial infection to worms to an obstruction. You need to take her to the vet to sort it out.