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Bulldog- In Between Potty Times

19 16:19:56

I recently acquired a 2-1/2 year old bulldog which is great. We are continuing to get adjusted to one another. One issue I have is I have  noticed he does not want to go out to potty. When opening up the door he walks aways and is extremely resistant to go out. I am concerned that it is not healthy for him.
I asked the previous owner and he says when the bulldog wants to go out he will. My bulldog has yet to have an accident in the house but am still concerned.
Should I force/drag him out?
Or let him go on his own schedule?

Hi - He has to get accustomed to his new pack.  Don't drag him out if you can help it.  If he goes more than 12 hrs, tell him he is going for a walk and get the leash out.  Potty him by walking him around ... He will like the special Walk treatment.  Don't let him know it is a potty break.

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