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A New Dog

19 16:26:38

Hi, I am debating on buying an American Bulldog puppy. I already have a 2 year old Beagle that is very friendly but sord of aggressive towards strangers. I have a medium/large yard which is big enough for it to have exercise. Also I heard that this breed jumps fences my fence is about 4 ft. or so. Would this breed get along with my dog? Will it jump the fence out of anger or excitement? Is this breed friendly with strangers?

When you're looking for an Am. Bulldog, don't choose one that is "game" bred. This means they tend to be overly aggressive and somewhat hyper. Do your homework if you're serious about this breed. There's a wide range from one dog to the other.  The fence would have to be higher than 4' certainly. My concern with the Beagle is that, no matter what you choose for a puppy, the older dog will teach it bad habits regardless of the background of the puppy. I doubt there would be a problem with the two getting along.  Think this one over well before you jump into it.