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Bulldog smells

19 16:23:53

I have an English bulldog, and she has a funny smell around her head. I brushed her teeth and cleaned her ears, but it is still there. Does anyone know what it could be?

It could be yeast in the ears or in the face wrinkles. You can clean ears all you want but you won't kill the yeast without medication. The only way to know if it's present is to take the dog to the vet and have him take a swab.

You should be able to sniff around and locate the area where the odor is coming from.  If it's the wrinkles, you'll need warm soap and water to clean with.  The trick is to dry the wrinkles THOROUGHLY before putting on an ointment like Desitin. You should do this perhaps a couple of times a week until the odor goes away and then keep the wrinkles clean thereafter.