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agression after having pups

19 16:21:13

we have a 5 year old bulldog when she came into season last the breeder mated her shes had 2 pups ,when she first came into season she became agressive towards any visitors including children since having the pups and coming back home we have to keep her in a crate when anyone visits ,yesterday she tried attack a 2yr old ,she seems to be guarding us ,she is fine with us ,can you advise

In my opinion, no one has any business breeding a Bulldog that age. Mine are usually retired before they turn 4. Having a litter changes them and not always in a good way especially as they get older. When they're young, they just go with the flow. By the time they're 5, they're pretty set in their ways.

You're just going to have to live with the situation because there's no changing it at this point. You'll just have to put her away when children are around.  I would suggest just crating her in a quiet area where no one will bother her and she can't see what's going on.