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red bumps all over?

19 16:21:16

Hello, we have a new 10 week old english bulldog. He has red bumps pretty much all over. We have had him since he was ready at the breeder at 8 weeks. He did not have these bumps when we brought him home. At first we wondered if it was bug bites from the grass but it looks to me like a rash now. We have thought about what he could be allergic to (laundry soap, grass, food etc..)but don't know how to really narrow it down. His stool is loose as well. Its not really diarea but it is not solid either. He doesn't scratch much. My wife is home with him all day so she keeps a pretty good eye on him. How can we find out what he may be allergic to? Thanks Brent

He's pretty young for pyoderma and/or demodectic mange, but it's not out of the question.  I would have your vet do a skin scraping to rule this in or out.

If he's not on a natural diet, that might help. Something like Innova or Wellness. No treat or biscuits with peanut oil or flavor in them. Think carpet cleaner, lawn fertilizer, weed killer, floor detergent.

The simplest way to find out what's going on is do the vet testing first and then work with one thing at a time.