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American Bulldog Allergies

19 16:20:56

I have a 5 month old AB(White w/pink skin) and she has recently developed, after taking her to a dog park for the first time, allergies (watery, goopey eyes, sneezing, runny nose).  The vet suggested Benadryl 25mg per day, which doesn't seem to be doing anything as of 1 week.  She has also developed a rash on the back of her neck, small pinkish bumps and some others are larger, almost scab like and dark.  We feed her Science Diet large breed and also give her 1/2 a can of S.D. soft canned food, but recently had to get the chicken kind.  Reading other questions, someone said to avoid chicken based products.  Do you think that could cause the rash?  She had a few of the pink bumps on her neck and when we put her Frontline on her they got worse? Should I just keep an eye on it for another week & see if it clears?  Our vet is definitely a "treat to line their pockets" type so I don't want to spend hundreds if I don't have to.  Please give any advice you can...thank you!

Hi Shannon - White dogs are prone to allergies... Also bull dogs , all kinds, are very sentitive.  So, you have two strikes against you.
Science diet is a average to poor food.  sorry...

I would slowly switch her to a mostly meat food like Innoa.  The Innova puppy food would be great until she is 9 mos. old.  Then, by 10 mos. old, I would put her on Innova EVO ( grain free fomula).
You can make the switch slowly over a 3 week period of time.  Do 1/2 of her old food and 1/2 of the new food for 2 weeks.  Then, on the 3rd week do 3/4 new food and 1/4 old food.

Also, give the frontline some more time.  She may get used to it and stop the reaction.  There are some alternative measures to Frontline - not always as good...

As for the eyes and rashes - Environmental allergies are most likely hitting her.  I would get her onto the NuVET Plus Supplement-  This is an Immune System Booster -  Helps to fight off the allergies!!
It would cost you about .50 cents per day for our WAFER treats..
Here is the link:

Oh, you can also buy the Innova canned food - very good quality. No junk fillers.  Many dogs are allergic to the corns...they can't digest them well at all.