Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > EnglishBulldogSoftPalate


19 16:15:17

Do you know of recommended surgeons and/or English Bulldog specialists in the Philadelphia,South Jersey or Delaware area for laser surgery on out English Bulldog's soft palate?
We are searching for the best doctor.


First, I would make sure that the surgery is necessary.  I would not have the surgery unless it was absolutely needed.  Many times a pet owner is told their dog needs surgery but he/she really doesn't.  Always get a second opinion.

I do not know of any specific specialists in your area.  The best thing to do is call several vets in your area and ask for recommendations.  

When you interview a specialist, you should find out why they believe your dog needs the surgery.  What problems will he/she have without surgery?  What is the recovery time?  What about follow-up treatment?  What kind of anesthesia do they use?

Make sure you are comfortable with the clinic, staff & doctor.

Hope that helps!

Christine Puetz