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Excitment and dominance

19 16:25:16

I have 2 English Bulldogs, Tank who is about 2 years old and Diesel who is just a year. Diesel is very well behaved and minds his business. Tank on the other hand seems to crave attention all the time and will get very excited and take shoes from people. He will not give it up after that. He will basically attack you if you just try to take it. We are not sure why he does this because he is not a dominate dog besides that. Please let me know if you have any advice for me. Thanks!

This is a big attention getter and apparently it's working for him so far!

I'm assuming both these dogs are neutered. Consider taking Diesel to an obedience class and discuss his "issues" with the trainer.

Personally, I would remove him from the situation when he exhibits this behavior. Put him in his crate away from everyone and don't feed into it. Secondarily, I would ignore him, but this would depend on the shoes :o)  He's obviously doing this to be the center of attention. For some reason, he feels needy in these situations whether it's more people added to the equation or attention to your other dog.