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breathing difficulty in Bulldog

19 16:26:37


You helped me answer some questions a few days ago about my Bulldog Tubby. I was able to get him to the vet where they sedated him for bloodwork and X-rays. Apparently, Tubby is sufferig from Bronchitis and Pneumonia. I am still waiting for test results to determine weather this is related to a Fungal problem. My vet says that this is highly likely. I've been told to continue the Baytril 2x daily but that we may need another med if this does turn out to be a fungal pneumonia. Have you ever had any experience with this? He really seems like he is in pain and I'm not too sure the Baytril will help. He has been on it for 2 weeks with no improvement. Thank's for your help

Never had a problem with a fungal  infection in a dog.  I would imagine, though, that an infection i the lungs could be quite painful, regardless of the cause.  Fungal problems do need treatment from other meds, not just an ATB.  I am not sure if I will be of assistance now, to tell you the truth.  Your vet should be able to answer these questions better.
