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Bulldog neutering

19 16:16:43

My bulldog is 3 years old.  He is scheduled to be neutered in 2 weeks.  During his last vet appt., the vet wasn't able to draw any blood, which is required before the surgery.  Well, given his resistance, the vet stated that it could be done the day of the surgery, once he was anesthetized.  Is that safe?  I know checking the blood before is to make sure that he is ok for surgery, but taking the blood after, it doesn't make any sense. Anyhow, I'd rather not neuter him if it means his life will be endangered.  Please help.  Also, my dog eats R/D Chicken from Prescription Hills.  Thanks.

____________ follow up ____________
Hi - let me know what you decided to do with the Neutering?
Just wondered what the vet said about the pre-testing...
Keep me posted!
Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi Betsy - Yes, I would want the blood drawn prior to anesthesia!
Unless they were going to give him some doggie valium?
I can't see them intubating him and then taking the blood.
Talk to your vet about this.  I wonder if you did not understand?

Sounds odd to me.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA