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praises and questions

19 16:26:16

We have  a 5 year old bulldog we has had 2 stone surgerys in the past 3 years,is this normal? Your website is great,I have gotten more answers from your site than from the other websites.Thank you.Our Bud E. is at U of I hospital and we hope to pick him up on thursday,plus hes had a prolapse tissue on his penis,we love him and will do what we have to.he is such a great dog.thank you again ,have a great day.
Sylvia haney

There has to be something in his diet that is causing the stones. I would suggest a natural diet, low calcium and low protein.  You may end up cooking for him, veggies, rice, chicken. If your vet hasn't done a full blood panel on him, ask for one.  Perhaps they can tell you more from the results. Stay away from commercial dog treats, biscuits and try a natural diet.  Good luck to you.