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feeding bulldog enough?

19 16:22:49

Hello... We have a 10 week old bulldog.  We are feeding her about a cup a day or slightly less- half in morn and half in eve.  Is this enough?  She weighs about 10lbs and she always seems like she is starving!  One other quickie: what are the best toys to buy for our bulldog puppy?

She acts like she's starving because she is! First of all she should be eating 3 times a day until she's about 6 months old. Then you can go to twice a day for another 3 months and then once a day is fine.

I always tell people to feed a puppy all they can eat in 5 minutes and then pick up the dish. Usually they will walk away before that. She should be eating at least one cup at each feeding and probably more.  She may pig out at first but will eventually eat adequately once she realizes there's plenty of food available.

Best toys........Nyla bones or heavy rubber "Kong" toys are best. Nothing with small pieces or rope to avoid choaking. No rawhide, pigs ears or the like either....yuck.