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bulldogs-skin problems

19 16:23:55

Buddy, our 5 month old bulldog gets a bath every couple of days or so. We use suave clarifying shampoo. The problem is he gets what appears to be pimple on his skin. This is not from the shampoo as he had them prior to the baths. We purchased advanix ointmnet for fleas, but fleas we not the cause either. Any suggestions on how to treat these bumps or should we even be concerned. Other than the bumps his skin is very clean and healthy.
Thank you in advance for your reply

You shouldn't be bathing him this often. I don't recall the last time I gave one of mine a bath.  The pimples are probably puppy pyoderma. I'm betting their mostly on his chin and his belly. This is very common on male puppies.

Stop the bathes. Clean the areas where there are bumps with 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water.  Make sure you dry them really well.

If this doesn't do the trick, take him to the vet for an evaluation. He might need an antibiotic, perhaps Cephalexin if there's a secondary infection due to the constant bathing.

Let this boy dry out!  He will eventually outgrow this condition but you will have to keep on top of it for the time being.