Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > over-the-counter meds for pets / per Vet:

over-the-counter meds for pets / per Vet:

19 16:15:35

Hi, My bully is 4 months old, he is on medecation at the mo for a reaction he had 2 a bite, but my problem now is yesterday he woke up with a real runny noise, the mucus is yellow in colour, he is still eating, drinking an playing as normal, but he was also sick yesterday, do i need 2 take him 2 see my vet or is it just a cold.

Medications for pet ; over-the-counter options like robitussin DM for pets;
Hi - Well, if he develps a cough you can give Robitussin DM - but ask the vet for dosage...
Also, you may want to call the vet with symptoms.... The vet may want to give another antibiotic for this new problem.
see here - Robitussin - dosages:
Over-the-counter meds per Walker Valley Vet: