Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > englishbulldog front leg injury ; acl bulldog ; patella english bulldog injury;

englishbulldog front leg injury ; acl bulldog ; patella english bulldog injury;

19 16:08:05

my english bulldog has injured her front leg, she doesnt want to put any weight on it but when she does her elbow turns out and it looks like it is hanging off of her shoulder.  Any suggestions?

English Bulldog with luxating patella ;  Bulldog with ACL injury;
Hi Cheryl, this may be a luxating patella, trick knee injury.  It can also be an ACL ( joint ) injury.  ONLY an x-ray will tell you for sure.  Sorry, wish that I could help.
Sounds like she needs a visit to the Vet.

If it is a patella or acl injury - you can see my supplements here:  VERY helpful:
Alternatives to surgery:

Hope it is a minor bruised area that will repair with rest.  PLEASE call the Vet ASAP

Keep me posted.
My private e-mail is

my phone   803-424-2312

Marie Peppers LPN MA