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problems with bulldog puppies

19 16:23:38

we are currently looking to buy/adopt a bulldog puppy.  we went to a breeder who had an 8 week puppy that couldn't walk yet, he just scooted on his stomach.  his legs were spread awkwardly to the sides.  the breeder works for a vet and said that this is a common problem with bulldog puppies, but we are concerned and not sure if we should go ahead and purchase the dog or continue looking elsewhere.  We were just wondering if anyone new if this was normal so we would know what to look for when we visit other breeders. anything else we should look for would be helpful too.


This is the most unethical behavior I've ever heard of about a breeder. To try to convince an unknowing potential buyer that an 8 week old puppy who can't walk is "normal" is so bizarre I find it difficult to comprehend.

You seriously need to look elsewhere and I am so glad you asked BEFORE you purchased.