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Takes off

19 16:22:06

I recently moved to a new house where my dog has to stay locked in a 10x10 kennel but when ever we leave she takes off. She never used to do this in the old house where we had a fenced in yard.  Last time she ran for about a mile before we caught up to her.  My question is, will a radio fence work for her?  

The in ground fence rarely works unless the dog is trained to it as a puppy. Your dog is just experiencing separation anxiety from it's familiar surroundings. You need to spend some time getting her accustomed to her new home and area rather than locking her up. Take her out on a long leash and work with her so she enjoys the place. If she had a nice fenced yard at her old home and is not locked in a kennel, running away at the first opportunity seems like a good idea.

She may come around and she may not. Patience is very important here.