Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Exercise / English Bullie

Exercise / English Bullie

19 16:19:53

Can I take my English BullDog on 2 mile walks?  I have a Boxer which needs exercise every day.  thanks Wally

Hi - YOU just need to make sure your bullie gets plenty of water - bring water on the walk.  Also, his shorter legs may not be able to keep up with your boxer kid... Take that into consideration.

YOU don't want to over do it...Also, you may want to get a harness for your english kid.  ( much better for long walks)

Have fun - do 1 mile and then after a week or so, work up to the 2 miles.  Trial and error - see how your english kid does..
Have fun exercising!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Pet Chef

Nutritional Expert/ Pet Nurse
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