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my 4 yr old bulldog

19 16:17:09

hello i have a English bulldog. he is 4yr old. how can i  get him to calm down some? he is so hyper he hurts him self. i worrie one day hes gonna really do damage. he carries around a 16 foot fiberglass ladder and plays with a truck tire (still on the rim). he is so good with my kids and on the leash he dose not pull but when he see's a water bottle forget about it he gets insane and you cant calm him down. we play fetch with him take him to the park but he never stops. he hurts his legs all the time so bad he limps for days.  please give me some advice. i don't yell at him or hurt his feeling. i just need to know what to do to calm him a little. thanks


At 4 years old, it will be hard to change your bullies personality.  He sounds like it is just a high strung pup.  

You need to keep him away from the places that he gets excited.  Only take him places that he stays calm.  You are going to keep this up until you start to see a change in him.

Christine Puetz