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My bulldogs heat frequency

19 16:17:55

I have an 18 month old bitch. I plan to breed her but the fact that she has started her 3 rd heat 2 months after her 2nd heat is troubling to me. Her birthday is Aug 30/07 her first heat was June 3/08, 2nd Dec 25/08 and now 3rd just started today Mar 05/09. My question would be is this normal to have her 3rd heat 2 months after her 2nd?
I should also mention that I have a 1 year old Shepard who started her first heat a week ago.

Best Regards
Wendi Borg


No, that is not normal, but that is one of the problems with bulldogs.  They are not normal!!!  We have had some very weird things like that.

The best thing to do is have her progesterone tested at a vet.  You may have to find one that specializes in reproductive care.

That will tell you if you dog is ovulating or if something else is going on.  I prefer the test that is digital.  It gives an exact number and is very accurate.

Christine Puetz