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dominent bulldog

19 16:17:30

Hi I have a beautiful British bulldog tha is 2yrs old and he is a male.We had him since a puppy and we bought him from a breeder.I have a big family 4 adults and and 3 children in the house hold.One of the children is 2yrs old and the dog is very loveable to all of us.He is not fixed yet and I do plan on doing it this year before he turns 3yrs.My problem is he gets very aggressive when something falls on the floor and he wants it we cannot get it from him bec he will try to bite.If we drop a spoon or one of the babys blocks for example.He will try to pick it up and the only way we can get it from him is by leashing him in our livingroom until he drops it.And he will not drop it for a good 30 minutes or even an hour or 2 hrs.I know bullys are stubborn bec mine sure is..Well I need to know how I should discipline him without getting bit and without leashing him.If u can plse help


It is never good to have an aggressive bulldog in a home - especially where there are children.

You need to do something right away.

I suggest getting him neutered immediately.  If that doesn't change his behavior, you should consider finding another home for him.

Christine Puetz