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Bull Dog and Lab

19 16:22:41

Hello Marjorie,
I have a male 8 month old lab and a female 7 month old english bull dog both of them are neutered and spayed and fortunately have been very healthy.  They are lovely and very sweet and have been together for some time now and get along pretty well, but I have some concerns.

When they play, they start very gently biting each other's faces and eventually their play starts getting rough and I have to stop them.  Recently the BD is getting more agressive during play time and the lab is starting to fear her even though they still play a lot and can be together for long periods of time without any agression.  My concern is, even though I used to with no incidents at all, I am afraid now of leaving them alone in the house when I have to leave for a few hours because I dont really know what is going on.  I fear she can eventually harm him. Any advice?

Another thing, how should I clean my BD? I know I should not bathe her more than once a week but when she pees she does not clean her parts very well and this area is always dirty with brownish sticky pee.  This is hard to clean with just a wet cloth.  Any sugestions on what to use to clean her without having to rub so i dont eventually irritate her skin?

I have read many of your previous responses to other people and I realize you give great advice, and I really appreciate your time and efforts.

I would never leave dogs loose in the house when you're not around. Mine are crated when I'm out and at night. The females are the worst when it comes to aggression with other dogs. Don't let them play so rough as to allow her to get serious. Stop the play immediately and reprimand her and put her directly in her crate for a 10 minutes "time out". Bulldogs were tenacious fighters centuries ago but don't think for a minute that some of that instinct doesn't remain.

The "sticky brown pee" concerns me. Just to be on the safe side, take a pee sample into your vet and have him take a look at it. You can do this easily by sliding a frisbee under her when she squats to pee :o) You shouldn't be seeing a residue like this at all. I always use baby wipes, the unscented kind, for clean up. I own Bulldogs who have never had a bath in their life.