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aging bulldog

19 16:24:33

Our English Bulldog is 11 years old. He swims for an hour every day, which I think is a miracle.
He has always eaten boiled chicken, rice, steamed ground beef and lots of ice cubes.

As he is getting older, I notice he breathes heavier on occasion. It seems like it may be triggered by anxiety; he has also had some allergic reactions in the past (hives)

He's been getting up more at night, whining like he wants to go out, but almost too tired to get outdoors (to potty)Is there something I can give him to help him with his breathing? Help him sleep at night

This is a wonderful dog. I do think you should cut down his swimming time at his age to perhaps 1/2 hr. a day.

Generally, the heavier breathing is an early sign of congestive heart failure coming on. Anxiety would exaserbate the condition. Maybe a complete physical is in order.

You might try giving him a Benadryl when he gets hives. You could also give him one at night and it will help him sleep, but I'm afraid it also might allow him to pee in his bed if he doesn't wake up.

Regardless, he's had a great life. It's time to make him slow down a bit.