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eye infection

19 16:18:48

hi,my 2 yr old bulldog got an eye infection last month due to him lying on our patio door ledge (his favourite place to sleep)got it from being draughty i was given eye drops from the vet that cleared it straight away, however he has another one now ,i just wanted to know if there was any home treatment you could reccomend i have read on a website that human eye drops or cooled tea can be used but dont know which ones.
thanks for your time


Regular saline solution, the kind they sell in the eye drop and contact solution area, works great for bulldogs.  Bulldog tend to have dry eyes and the saline solution will moisten the eyes as well as wash out any irritants.

Also a good thing to have on had is eye ointment.  You can use the kind the vet sells or human eye ointment.  It is the same thing.

Christine Puetz