Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig ive had for...

My guinea pig ive had for...

21 14:41:23

My guinea pig ive had for about two weeks now, he is a male and is almost four months old, my question is when he pees it has a white substance to it or a kind of creamy look to it! i dont know if males leave a sent of some kind by spraying or thats normal. Ive noticed this twice once when he was on my bed and happened to use the bathroom on it, and second when he was on my floor in my bedroom. i dont know if i should be concerned. Thankyou for your time!

Hello Autumn and thanks for the question,

Guinea Pig males will mark their "domain" if there are other GPs present. This could be the white tinged urine you are talking about. Sometimes they mark if other pets are present as well. GP urine does normally have color this trait also. I would watch it but not worry too much about it.

If the urine is ever pink or burgandy tinged, get you GP to the vet asap as he may have an infection or gall stone.
