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Guinea pig foot

21 13:45:42

Hi again Pat.
I got one of my piggies out today for cuddle time and noticed her back foot is a little red and dry. She is still using her foot normally, but just wondered if there is anything I can do so it doesn't get worse. She is kept in
aspen. I have been really busy the past week or so, so I didn't get around to doing my weekly health checks on my piggies.  Like I said, it is just a bit red, but I  worry about what I can do for her dry skin. Also it does not feel warm to me, it's the same temperature as her other feet (I read that on another site). Thank you in advance.

Bag Balm
Bag Balm  
It doesn't sound like it's serious at this point, but some pigs (particularly those with white feet)can get something called bumblefoot. It's a condition in which the foot becomes very red and swollen.

It may be nothing at all, but I would suggest you get some kind of ointment (not lotion) and rub it onto her foot. Give it a gentle massage as you're applying it to help increase circulation. She will probably enjoy the massage and it gives you quality time together as well as helping her.

I am a huge fan of Bag Balm. It's an over the counter product that's sold in drug stores, feed stores and grocery stores. It's a square can, green with red lettering on it. It also has a picture of a cow's udder with instructions of how to rub in onto their teats after milking to prevent severe chapping. It's inexpensive and invaluable for all kinds of things.

It's a wonder drug in my caviary. I use it on dry skin, wounds and sore bottoms or sore feet. Some of my sows will occasionally get yeast infections (same kind us women do) and after soaking their bottoms in warm water I apply Bag Balm on the sore areas. Within days it's healed.

It's also great for your own dry skin, especially on your feet or elbows when they get dry. It softens the skin like nothing you've ever seen. It will last you for a very long time as it only takes a little bit at a time. Give that a try and I suspect it will fix the problem.